The Chorco of wolves, a trap of wolves

Ethnographic heritage with 400 years of history

The Chorco of wolves, a trap of wolves

Ethnographic heritage with 400 years of history

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The Chorco of wolves, Valdeón Valley

The Chorco de los lobos is an ingenious trap that was used since ancient times to hunt the maximum predator of the cattle herd, the wolf. The reason it was located on Mount Corona is that for much of the winter the high areas of the valley remained covered with snow, so the wolf descended and looked for food in the forests and grasslands of the lowlands, places that are still used today as a pasture area for cattle during the winter.


The Chorco of wolves

In the past, and because of the abundance of these carnivores in the area and the geographical isolation of the territory of Valdeón itself, especially in winter, The Chorco de los lobos was possibly an important point of union for the defense and interest of the inhabitants of Valdeón, this is for the villages of Caldevilla, Soto, Posada, Prada, Los Llanos, and Cordiñanes.

To such an extent it had its weight in Valdeón society, that the “Ordinanzas de Montería” were written from the beginning, detailing the system of harassment and capture of wolves, specifying the positions and functions to be performed by each person, as well as the obligations of the neighbors for the maintenance of the palisade and the Chorco and even of the same mount of Corona.

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The oldest legislation regulating the operation of the Chorco de Corona dates from 1610, and was reformed in 1776. The Ordinance reflected those who were to participate: Heads of households, males, over 16 and under 65 years of age, servants on duty, more useful people in each household and, if there were none, women would go.

Way to meet

On any day of the year and at any time, except when the Holy Mass is being celebrated, at the ringing of the bell twice, at the place indicated before half an hour, (Church of St. Eulalia, Posada de Valdeón). Where the Monteros de Posada, Prada and los Llanos would meet, and if it seemed opportune to them, the Montero de Posada would give notice to the de Soto and this to the de Caldevilla, ringing the bell of Soto. Likewise, the following posts were assigned by appointment: Montero mayor, montero menor, monteros, choceros, mountaineers, chorco bowers, spies.

The Chorco of wolves

In the past, and because of the abundance of these carnivores in the area and the geographical isolation of the territory of Valdeón itself, especially in winter, The Chorco de los lobos was possibly an important point of union for the defense and interest of the inhabitants of Valdeón, this is for the villages of Caldevilla, Soto, Posada, Prada, Los Llanos, and Cordiñanes.

To such an extent it had its weight in Valdeón society, that the “Ordinanzas de Montería” were written from the beginning, detailing the system of harassment and capture of wolves, specifying the positions and functions to be performed by each person, as well as the obligations of the neighbors for the maintenance of the palisade and the Chorco and even of the same mount of Corona.
The oldest legislation regulating the operation of the Chorco de Corona dates from 1610, and was reformed in 1776. The Ordinance reflected those who were to participate: Heads of households, males, over 16 and under 65 years of age, servants on duty, more useful people in each household and, if there were none, women would go.

Way to meet

On any day of the year and at any time, except when the Holy Mass is being celebrated, at the ringing of the bell twice, at the place indicated before half an hour, (Church of St. Eulalia, Posada de Valdeón). Where the Monteros de Posada, Prada and los Llanos would meet, and if it seemed opportune to them, the Montero de Posada would give notice to the de Soto and this to the de Caldevilla, ringing the bell of Soto. Likewise, the following posts were assigned by appointment: Montero mayor, montero menor, monteros, choceros, mountaineers, chorco bowers, spies.

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GPS COORDINATES: 43.183302, -4.903974

The Chorco of Wolves is located halfway between the towns of Cordiñanes de Valdeón and Caín, at the very foot of the road that connects these towns.